How to Find Castellon de Bédar
Shortly we will have specially made tiles by a professional potter in Mojacar, they will be layed into the walkways of Bedar. These will guide you to the property, a picture of the tile and start points.We can now announce that Major Angel of Bedar has layer the first hand made tile at the front of Castellondebedar with the rest being put into position in January.
Route 1 come into Bedar and you will see bar El Paso on left, take the second left to top square and park on right hand side. Opposite the parking bay is a little path, you will then see a bright yellow tile with arrow inset follow it to get to us.
Route 2 with the Miramar/Olive properties behind you look at the slope in front of you and you will see the bright yellow tile with arrow inset. Follow the path and more tiles to get to us.
Route 3 With the miners statue in centre of Bedar, at the back of you, look to the slope/ pathway on right and you will see the bright yellow tile with arrow inset follow it to get to us.
Route 4 once at top square as route 1 directions, with parking at the back of you look to right and you will see on a tall white building Castellondebedar and tile on the walkway pointing to us follow it to get to us.
see photo of the tile
Select below the airport you have arrived at. We're in Bedar! See map right for details
Select the airport